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| Window Cleaning Equipment All our water-fed window cleaning poles are lightweight, easy to use, simply connect to any standard household hosepipe or tap adapted water source, turn on the tap, and you are ready to wash your windows. Our telescopic window cleaning poles are built and assembled within the UK in Nottingham by Domestic Cleaning Poles UK Limited. All our window cleaning poles are designed for the domestic market, with hose lock style fittings with each of our water fed poles. Save money and stay off the ladder with our telescopic window cleaning brushes. We offer a full 30-day no quibble, money-back guarantee on all our products. https://www.windowcleaningpoles.co.uk/ - Read More | carpet cleaning Shrewsbury We are a local independent husband and wife run business, fully insured offering a professional, conscientious, friendly and reliable carpet and upholstery cleaning service. We cater for both domestic and commercial spaces. We cater our carpet cleaning system and solutions to the condition and type of carpet you have for the best possible cleaning to eliminate those stubborn stains. Our carpet cleaning methods give a deep clean to tackle the dust and dirt that has become ingrained in the carpet fibres. Transform your carpets now for exceptional value for money, fast results and fast drying time. https://purecleanshropshire.co.uk/ - Read More | Residential Air Duct Cleaning Atlanta Not anyone can be called in to clean the air duct. Air duct cleaning needs professionalism. It is a well-trained technician with expertise who can only handle it due to vast experience in managing many types of air ducts. Using non-professional personnel to try and clean the air duct can lead to either: Risk a significant system breakdown due to mishandling the system in an unprofessional way Risk fire accident due to faulty mishandling of some parts of the system There are particular procedures which must be followed while cleaning the air duct system. Only a trained and professional technician would know how to go about the whole process of cleaning it. Also, there are special tools that only a trained technician would know how to use them in handling and cleaning the air duct. Hurricane Air Duct Cleaning Service is a company that can be trusted in cleaning air ducts. Our professional technician will not only clean the system but will also advise you on what needs to be replaced or repaired. You are assured of getting high-quality professional services. Contact us at our telephone number (404) 512-2726 for a free quotation. https://www.hurricanellc.com/ - Read More | Professional Carpet Cleaning Wolverhampton Are you looking for a professional, reliable, experienced cleaning service provider in your area? Look no further! A local expert cleaning company has recently launched their comprehensive and wide-ranging cleaning services. This includes carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, oven cleaning, crime scene cleaning and cigarette smoke odour removal service. With years of experience in the industry, this company is proud to offer high-quality quality with excellent customer satisfaction. The ultimate cleaning service provider offers clients a range of affordable and reliable cleaning services. With proven experience, the company has served numerous regional residential, commercial and industrial clients with expert cleaning services. All of their cleaning services are available at competitive prices. https://www.localexpertcleaning.co.uk/carpet-cleaning-wolverhampton/ - Read More | bank reinigen Zwolle Als u uw bank aan huis wilt laten reinigen maakt u eenvoudig een afspraak via de website van TNCLEAN. Ook de tarieven voor bankstelreiniging kunt u hier terugvinden. Wij voorzien u zo snel mogelijk van een op maat gemaakte prijsopgave en een geschikte dag en tijdstip. Wanneer wij bij u op locatie zijn voorzien we uw bankstel eerst van een grondige inspectie. Deze controle is nodig om de juiste reinigingstechniek en reinigingsmiddelen te bepalen. Dat is afhankelijk van de mate van bevuiling en het soort vlekken op uw stoffen bankstel. https://tnclean.nl/ - Read More | Kosten zetel reinigen België De professionele textielreiniging diensten van TNCLEAN zijn vanaf nu ook beschikbaar in België. Wij zijn uw specialist voor het reinigen van stoffen zetels en camper en caravan interieurs. Daarnaast kunt u uw stoffen meubels ook door ons laten impregneren. TNCLEAN werkt voor zowel zakelijke als particuliere opdrachtgevers in België. Wij hechten veel waarde aan het verlenen van een gestroomlijnde en persoonlijke service. Daarom biedt TNCLEAN een 100% tevredenheidsgarantie op al haar reinigingen- en dienstverlening. https://www.tnclean.be/ - Read More | unterhaltsreinigung Reutlingen Mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Reinigungsbranche sind wir mit den neuesten Reinigungstechniken und -produkten vertraut. Wir passen unsere Dienstleistungen an Ihre individuellen Anforderungen an und stellen sicher, dass wir alle Reinigungsaufgaben gründlich und zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit erledigen. Bei Clean Home Clean steht Kundenzufriedenheit an erster Stelle. Unser Kundenservice-Team arbeitet hart daran, sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Reinigungsbedürfnisse vollständig erfüllt werden. Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren, um uns Ihre Anliegen mitzuteilen. Wir sind hier, um Ihnen zu helfen und sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Zuhause sauber und makellos ist. https://reinigunghch.de/ - Read More | Commercial and Industrial Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Scrubbers Our latest premium service delivery robot, BellaBot inherits all the iterative advancements of the previous generation models while incorporating the latest human-robot interaction capabilities. Featuring voice recognition, cute animations, redundant obstacle avoidance systems and many other new functions, BellaBot provides customers with the ultimate food delivery robot experience. BellaBot features an industry exclusive dual SLAM solution for accurate location positioning and obstacle avoidance. Most other solutions only utilize either a singular laser SLAM solution or a visual SLAM solution, but our latest BellaBot utilizes both to provide the highest levels of positional accuracy in the industry. That means whether you have a dozen tables or a hundred, BellaBot will be able to go to the correct table consistently, making your job easier and not having to worry about any mix-ups with customers. https://www.naviarobotics.com/ - Read More |
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